Tuesday, January 29, 2008


The hyperreality of love has created this idea that love is simply found and easily held onto. In many of the movies and books today the idea of love is that there are two people who are perfect for each other, they date, they marry, and they live happily ever after. This idea is the hyperreality we are accustomed to; it is what we expect in a realtionship. Love is not always easy, and often times it is not that the people begin perfect for each other, but that they grow into being perfect together. In the words of William Shakespeare, "The course of true love never did run smooth." That is so true, because no matter how close you are to each other life will come and try to rip you apart. You try to hang on, you hang on tight and you fight will all the strength - that is when you find true love. The expectation is that love is just found in another, when the reality is that love is found in the struggles and battles you go through with another person.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

PoMo Crisis!

postmodernism has some ideas that cannot blend with christianity. for example, pay no attention to authority vs. Christ's teachings to obey authority. kind of hard to put those two together. however, i think we can take some of the stuff that is not harmful. life is not orderly; life is chaotic. we should celebrate how chaotic life is, because that's what makes it exciting. honestly, sometimes there are things that are relative. for example, if i held up a color and you called it blue, but i had been taught that it was green...who is right? did God name colors? the color is still there...that's not relative, but the name it is called is relative. so i think as christians we need to look at postmodernism and reject the things that cannot fit into our beliefs and take the things in it that are beneficial. there is always a little bit of truth in all deception - it is when we can determine between the two that we can take the good from it.

Metafictional endings

the last paragraph/chunk thing in "Happy Endings" is about its own ending. it says, "so much for endings." it then goes on to talk about how boring plots are. it ends by saying that stories should focus on the reasons and not the results. it adds to the story, because that is the theme it is trying to push, but instead of just saying that with the story it openly says it in a little summary at the end.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Captain Jack is post-modern?

yep. he is. he is a post-modern good pirate and protagonist in an epic adventure who loves to turn bad situations into a comedy. thats quite the blend of genres. also, he is very relative in his good vs. bad ideas. his good is anything that betters himself, essentially.


so for my little expiriment i went to starbucks. i usually go there to talk to people in the morning at least once a week. i like to do it because some of the people have a lot to share and its cool to listen to. but this week for my project i met jerry. jerry is a 42 year old computer programmer. he has 2 kids but one of them dropped out and moved away. it was really cool to hear him talk about how much he still loves his son. i had never really heard that from anyone before and it was really good for me to hear, because for a while i completely abandoned everything my dad believed in and went my own way. the ants project was definitely a good one.